Community Healing November 2020

Dear Community,

This past year has been rough. I know the stresses and anxiety around Election Day will take a further toll on all of us. I appreciate all the ways I have been seeing you show up for each other in big and small ways. I created some discounts to make access to healing services a little easier for everyone.

*Once we agree on an appointment time you will receive an invoice for your chosen discounted treatment(s). Payment is required within 6 hrs or your appointment time will be given up. Please do your best to stick to the appointment time we agree on. There is a 12 hr cancellation policy on these discounted visits. No refunds AT ALL.

Discounts For Returning and Current Patients in November 2020

In-person Vaginal Steaming $60 (reg price $120/$80)

Acupuncture 3-pack $285 (reg. price $360) Exp 1 year

Cupping or LED 2 visits for $100 (reg. price $60 each)

Note: Payment is required to hold your appointment. The above discounts are only valid for current and returning patients. (Meaning you’ve come to see me at some point before November 2020). Please reach out to book these appointments.

Discounts For New, Returning and Current Patients

Ear Acupuncture 30 min $20 (reg price $40) - come as often as you like in the month of November! We all need that stress and anxiety relief!

Ear seed application $5 (reg price $25)

Note: Payment is required to hold your appointment. There are no refunds on these visits and you must pre-pay to make an appointment. Please reach out to book these appointments.


Black Friday Gua Sha Community Circle Nov 27 (Online Gathering)


Facial Gua Sha and Sensuality Workshop Nov 10 (Online) With Lunar Rituals