Vaginal Steam FAQ's For Menstruators 4/10

Learn More About Pelvic (Vaginal) Steaming

Learn about how pelvic steaming can be beneficial to your womb and menstrual health

This workshop will be held virtually on zoom Monday April 10, 6:30-7:45pm in Eastern time zone (NY time)

Pelvic steaming is an important practice that has been lost from many cultures. It allows us to have a safe and gentle form of at-home uterine care. For most situations. vaginal steaming is quite easy and simple to do at home. Those with menstrual cycle imbalances, frequent infections, heavy bleeding or other conditions are advised to book a one-on-one consultation with me or find a local steam practitioner in your area.

In this workshop you will learn the basics on vaginal steaming, menstrual cycle analysis, when and how to steam at home and when not to steam for safety reasons. You will learn how to set up a basic steaming protocol at home.

You will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

Investment: $25 + you will receive $20 off discount code for those who are interested in booking a consultation

Discount codes for vaginal steam seats will also be given for those interested in purchasing their own

There is no recording of this class and there are no refunds for no-shows.


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