5 Herbs For Nausea


Ginger - Sheng Jiang - Acrid and slightly warm. Fresh ginger can counteract some foods that cause food poisoning. It is a great home remedy for nausea and vomiting. It can also be used for early stages of wind-cold and cough with phlegm and can be taken as a tea during pregnancy for morning sickness in moderation.

Atractylodis Rhizome - Cang Zhu - Acrid, bitter, warm and aromatic. Goes to the Stomach and Spleen. It is known for its ability to transform dampness that causes nausea, diarrhea, poor appetite, bloating and fatigue. Additionally it is used for fever, headache and nasal congestion. It is included in some formulas for swollen and achy joints.

Perilla Photo by Ludvig Hedenborg via Pexels

Magnolia Bark - Hou Po - Bitter, acrid, aromatic, warm. Goes to the Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen and Lungs. Often combined with Cang Zhu - Also useful for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, food stagnation and stomach viruses. Additionally used in some cases of coughing and wheezing. This herb has a mild anti-coagulant effect and should be used with a lot of caution for those on blood thinners and anti-platelet medications.

Tangerine Peel - Chen Pi -Acrid, bitter and warm. Goes to the Lung, Spleen and Stomach. It is useful for bloating, burping, gas, nausea, vomiting and fullness. Included in formulas used for diarrhea and weak digestion.

Chen Pi

Perilla Leaf - Zi Su Ye - Warm, acrid and often used to disperse wind-cold. Goes to the Lung and the Spleen. Nausea and vomiting, especially from seafood poisoning. Often used and generally safe for morning sickness.

Many of these herbs are warm and therefore not appropriate for heat conditions. If you’re not sure about your condition, please consult an experienced herbalist. The information in this post is for educational purposes and should not be taken as medical advice. In East Asian Medicine, each person’s presentation is unique and their lifestyle and tendencies should be considered at the same time.

By Dr. Emily Siy, DACM, L.Ac. 6/24/24


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