What's Your Period Trying To Tell You? (Part 2)

Learning to Listen to Your Period

Photo by Artem Saranin via Pexels

Menstruating bodies cycle through four phases (Blood, Yin, Yang, Qi), aka the menstrual cycle. Our periods and how we feel during rest of the cycle, can give us a lot of information on our health, but we also need to get better at paying attention to these signs.

My previous post on periods was focused on common imbalances I see in menstrual cycles, in general. This post is focused more on the period itself. The period is the blood phase of the menstrual cycle.

Period Blood

PALE - Light pink, pale or orange will indicated blood deficiency. Sometimes it is watery, thin and can accompany periods that are scanty or don’t have much flow. This indicates Blood Deficiency, which sounds just like what it is. A lack of blood in your system. This can sometimes be confirmed on a blood test as anemia of some kind. In Chinese Medicine, it can accompany dryness symptoms, dry skin, fatigue, bruising easily and/or being sensitive to cold. To help with blood deficiency eat more blood building foods such as meat, leafy greens, eggs and other iron and B12 rich foods. Acupuncture with moxibustion and/or an herbal formula customized for your situation can help remedy this condition more easily.

THIN/WATERY - blood deficiency/qi deficiency. To help with Qi and Blood deficiency improve your nutrition, have acupuncture with moxibustion treatments and consult a clinical herbalist for a formula that suits your situation.

DARK - Can be brown, purple, or tar-like. This indicates Blood Stagnation. These type of periods can come with a lot of clots and cramping. Blood stagnation can also be indicated by stabbing or sharp pain whether it be cramps or other pain in the body. If you experience dark period blood but do not experience pain or cramping, this means you have earlier stage of blood stagnation and acting by seeking acupuncture could prevent the situation from becoming worse.

DARK SPOTTING - Sometimes periods end or begin with dark spotting. When the period is otherwise normal (4 days of red flow) this shows the beginning stages of Blood Stagnation. It can also indicated a Qi Deficiency when your cycle begins with spotting as it might mean that your previous cycle did not fully clear out. For blood stagnation exercise and movement before the period can help. In some cases, pelvic (or vaginal) steaming can be useful. You may have to seek an acupuncturist or clinical herbalist for more individualized advice.

BRIGHT RED - Is a heat sign. This can accompany other heat signs like mouth sores or skin eruptions as well as heavy bleeding, night sweats, getting easily overheated or agitated. Counteract the heat by eating cooling and bitter foods. If you are having trouble managing some of these symptoms, please be sure to visit your primary care provider.

TOO HEAVY/GUSHING - A period is too heavy if you need to change your period products every 2-3 hours or less, you often bleed through clothing or have to wake up in the middle of the night to change. Heavy bleeding indicates that your body is not strong enough to hold things in. The Spleen is supposed to hold things into its proper vessels and shape. The Kidneys are supposed to be the body’s foundation and keep hormones, jing essence and blood in. This indicates issues with both Spleen and Kidney. Heavy periods can put you at risk for anemia or blood deficiency.

Heat in the blood and heavy bleeding can be a more serious situation. You should take rest during heavy bleeding days while also supplementing with iron-rich foods. If you don’t have heat signs, eat warm cooked foods. If you have heat signs avoid spicy and hot foods. It is important to seek advice from your healthcare team on this situation as well as an acupuncturist or clinical herbalist for additional support.

Photo by Engin Akyurt via PEXELS

These are just a few of the most common imbalances, however analyzing the menstrual cycle can get much more in depth as many people experience a combination conditions. In Chinese Medicine it is common to treat these imbalances with acupuncture, herbal formulas and lifestyle modifications. For most menstrual cycle imbalances you should expect treatment to be weekly for 3-6 months. Longer standing and more chronic conditions can require treatment plans that are 6-12 months or longer.


Related topics: What Is Your Period Trying To Tell You (Part 1) , Living Harmoniously with Your Cycle, What is a Pelvic Smoke Bath?

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Written by Dr. Emily Siy, DACM 4/1/24


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