Dr. Emily Interviewed in LUMXN: WORK

Dr. Emily was interviewed in the Work issue of LUMXN magazine

LUMXN is a print publication where the light of fully being yourself is allowed to shine. We take the good with the bad; the healing with the hurting; the struggle with the strength. We’re a place for you to just breathe <3

“Love & light” is cool and all, but BIPOC women and queer people experience so much more. Each of us experiences life in a unique way. The intersections of our race, gender, sexuality, class, and nationalities have given us distinct, yet interconnected, challenges and conditions. We often have to push against a system that wasn’t made for us, struggling to just find space to breathe.

By having a space where we’re able to fully just simply be — we are able to cultivate and spread our collective light. 

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