I'm Getting THE VACCINE!

“What Do You Think About The Vaccine?”

A lot of people have asked me about vaccines even before the pandemic and what I think and as per usual, my answer is, “it depends.” There is a tendency in the holistic health and wellness field to take an anti-Western medicine stance -which I do not agree with. Acupuncture is a natural and safe treatment option for many conditions because it doesn’t add anything into your body. Herbal Medicine similar to pharmaceutical medications causes a chemical reaction on your body but is still a more natural option. Unlike pharmaceuticals, herbal medicines are organic and usually when you stop taking them, side effects will subside. Additionally, most herbal formulas are not meant to be taken long term the way Western pharmaceuticals are. These are all general statements of course. Treatment plans are always customized to the individual when it comes to Chinese Medicine.

Many people seek out Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and other types of treatments deemed “alternative” because they wanted options outside of medications, surgery or because they’re looking for something that will compliment their current treatment plan. When it comes to medications, vaccines and other interventions the idea is, the benefit of the treatment is meant to outweigh the risks. Usually when an intervention is recommended to you by your doctor, risks are minimal and we have to remember that there are always risks. Though there are some anti-vaxx, anti-mask and anti-Western Medicine holistic providers and acupuncturists, there are many of us that just want to offer you options and information so that you can make an informed decision of your own.

I’m 42 years old and relatively healthy. I don’t live with anyone immune-compromised and have been isolating from my parents. I am also a healthcare provider and see patients on a regular basis, in-person. I’m sensitive to medications and vaccines and I’m concerned with how COVID19 has taken so many lives. I expect to break out in hives from the vaccine as, it is my usual response to most medications. I’ve never been in anaphylaxis. These are all things that I’ve considered.

Vaccine Skepticism

I totally get that a lot of people are skeptical. I was too! I also am aware that medical racism and eugenics in this country has created this mistrust. With that said, I am not here to convince any person affected by this type of violence to change their minds. Your distrust is your protection. For my own decision-making, I took part in many practices. I first read more about the studies being done. I spoke a lot with my friends and colleagues who are on the frontlines. I have stayed up-to-date on all the different ways COVID-19 is presenting itself and its long-term impact on people’s health. I am also in constant discussion with my acupuncturist colleagues on what part is in this pandemic we are to play and what the vaccine would mean for us. I considered the herd immunity that we all wanted but did not understand when this began. I watched my M.D. friends get their first dose and read more about possible side effects. Most common side effects were soreness and muscle aches. Some people experienced headache, fever and chills. Most people reported that side effects subsided after 24-48 hours. It has also been said that the side effects are most commonly experienced at the second dose.

If you follow me on social media, you’ll know I take the pandemic very seriously. I know that acupuncture and herbal medicine helps to bolster your immunity for prevention as well as eating well, exercise, being outdoors, wearing masks, meditating, seeking therapy. All of these things are good and help maintain overall health. Herbal medicine also helped many people I’ve worked with in early stages of viral infection and recovery phases. This is all comforting to know and have. BUT nothing is 100%. COVID-19 is deadly.

The benefits, no doubt, outweigh the risks, for me.

Vaccine Prep

There are some things we can do to prepare for vaccine side effects. Vaccines are cold in nature (according to TCM) and the Pfizer vaccine is being stored at -112—76° F and Moderna is being stored at -13—5°.

Here are a few things I’m doing to prepare:

  1. No cold raw foods, drinks, dairy, sugary things that cause dampness. These are things we should be doing anyways but we do not want to have more cold in the body or things that cause stagnation like dairy/sugar. Damp and cold foods have the ability to cause inflammation and weaken the immune system. Avoiding these foods will optimize immune function.

  2. Self moxa. Moxibustion is the burning of prepared mugwort as a heat therapy. Applied to certain acupuncture points and parts of the body. This is a great way to warm the body and applied to certain points will also strengthen immunity or in Chinese, zheng qi, upright qi. This is the body’s natural ability to fight off a pathogen. Ask your acupuncturist for guidance.

  3. Stay warm and bundle up. This is another way to protect your body from the cold environment but also keeping our internal body heat in.

  4. Acupuncture before and after. Discussing this with my colleague with whom I get treatments from means she will aim the treatments to strengthening my body. Post-vaccine treatments can help mitigate the potential side effects, discomfort and promote overall relaxation.

  5. Plan to rest, take it easy. Scheduling in shorter work days for myself this first round and will be taking 48 hours off for my second round.

If you’re a current patient please feel free to reach out and discuss this with me! These are unprecedented times and it is important to keep having these discussions. I will continue to update you all on my vaccine process.

As always, please remember, this is not medical advice but my personal thought process on what I am choosing to do. I hope this post motivates you to learn more and have discussions with the people you trust. If you are a healthcare worker in ambulatory care like I am, please check out this link to plan your appointment.

Edit 1/10/21 : It looks like NYC is opening up the vaccine to over 75, home aides, educators, essential workers and first responders starting 1/11!

1/11/21: 65+ now eligible too!

By Dr. Emily Siy, DACM, LAc

January 8, 2021


Vaccine Day! (First Dose)


Make A COVID19 Action Plan